Oregon theCrew Blog

Alex Mathieson

Written by Shadoe Revell | Jul 21, 2022 10:26:35 PM

Alex has been with Oregon Tool for 15 years and has worked in the Forestry industry for 28 years. As the Area Manager and UK Technical Specialist, he is UK’s go-to expert for all questions related to saw chain maintenance, training, repair and more.

  • As a young lad, Alex completed school at age 15 - finding interest in small engines, oil, nuts, bolts, and all things dirt and noise. He took to working with his hands and grew an interest in motorbikes. He moved to Cheshire, UK (where Alice in Wonderland was written) and started a job washing lawnmowers and fixing cylinders that would freeze in the winter. During that time he learned how to grind saw chain and use an Oregon grinder.
  • Alex developed his skills by fixing and repairing customer machines and attending manufacturing and technical courses, which grew his passion for Oregon chainsaw and chain. At 18, he was actively using chainsaws, climbing and felling trees. Fast-forward to working with Oregon distributors, he was offered a job at Oregon UK, putting his skills and enthusiasm for our brand and products to work.
  • As a badass biker, Alex is the UK State President and Executive Board Member overseeing six chapters of B.A.C.A. (Bikers Against Child Abuse.) Members of B.A.C.A are highly trained volunteers who work in empowering abused children to not feel afraid of the world in which they live. B.A.C.A. use their affiliation and presence as Bikers to embrace and welcome the abused child into the 'Biker family’. Alex also participates in disaster response efforts and has provided many trainings and workshops demonstrating chainsaw safety and use to his local and national communities.
  • Living in a rural area surrounded by 2,200 acres of farmland and woodland, Alex takes any opportunity to be outside working on his bike or using Oregon products to maintain the land and property.

Why Oregon?

“We are the pioneers of modern saw chain – we know what we’re talking about, what we’re doing and how to do it right. I believe in this brand, I trust this brand and am keen to continue the enthusiasm, professionalism and knowledge in this country (UK) that hails Oregon as the king of chain and bar for professional forestry users.”