Choosing the Right Saw Chain
Determine the right saw chain fit-up for your chainsaw and the different chain types to meet the needs of different chainsaw users.
Maintaining Your Guide Bar
- Keep it well lubricated with bar and chain oil. Many chainsaw users opt for lubrication not intended for their equipment, such as motor oil. Motor oil contains metal shavings that will reduce the life of your bar and chain.
It's recommended to fill your oil reservoir each time you fill your chainsaw's gas tank. While operating your saw, make sure you saw chain, guide bar and sprocket are receiving oil from the saw.
It's also advised to use flat files on damaged drive links to remove burs if a saw chain comes off its line during operation. If you see blue spots, consider replacing your bar.
Operating Safely - Using the Correct PPE
Chainsaws are powerful cutting machines. That’s why it is critical to wear the right protective gear and practice safe operating procedures.